Memorials and Gifts

Many beautiful gifts and memorials have been presented to this church in the passing years which we have tried diligently to list correctly; we ask your forgiveness if any have been overlooked.

-1941 - Collection plates by Misses Grace and Gertrude Powell in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Powell.

-Cross on Communion table by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilcox in memory of sons, Joseph and Roy.

-Candelabra by Jason Williams; also cabinet and other furnishings in office.

-October 1, 1939-Communion service as a memorial to Dr. C. W. Colborn who had been Sunday School Superintendent for 26 years, besides holding many other offices.

-Baptismal font in memory of Mrs. Bell Scurry by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Scurry.

-June 9, 1944-Complete altar setting in Sunday School Assembly room, as follows:

-Table- Kum-join-us Class taught by Miss Grace Powell.

-Runner for table-Nelson Watkins' Bible Class.

-Bible- Jewel Bible Class in honor of Mrs. Gus Brunner who had taught 26 years.

-Cross- Bethany Home Class in memory of their teacher, Mrs. Edith R. Decker, who collapsed and died on her way to a church meeting, February 4, 1943.

-Christian Flag- Children's Missionary Society.

-Picture for Children's Department - Cagwin Class. Picture, "Savior blessing little children", in memory of Regina Davis by Vacation Bible School.

-Picture, "The Rich Young Ruler", in memory of son Donald by Mr. and Mrs. George Tanner.

-Sanctuary Flags-American flag by Miss Harriet Pascoe. Christian Flag by Mrs. Ruth Jackson Jones in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dilates.

-April 6, 1947-Glass tops on altar by Friendship Circle; and Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith.

-Brass Flower Vases-Mrs. Morgan Patten in memory of Miss Harriet Pascoe and Mrs. A. W. Reynolds.

-June 29, 1952-Public address system to replace acousticon originally presented by the Wolfe Family, was given by Mrs. William E. Philips in memory of Mr. Phillips who died June 23, 1951; he was a local preacher and Sunday School teacher, who for 25 years gave himself wholeheartedly to the work of this church and in this community. The new hearing aid system, part of the public address system, was presented by the following:-Mr. James Ruby in memory of his wife, Meta Newhart Ruby; Mrs. Austin Barrows in memory of her husband who was a faithful sexton of this church for a long time; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Megargle in memory of her mother, Mrs. Sarah B. Phillips.

-July 4, 1954-30 hymnals by Miss Grace Powell in memory- of her sister, Gertrude. 30 hymnals by Mr. Frank Shaffer in memory of his sister, Mrs. Carrie Shaffer Baker.

-November 25, 1956-Candlesticks by Mr. and Mrs. John Stoddard. Bought from Memorial Fund:-Book of Remembrance and oak stand on which it rests; Guest book; desk and radiator cover for it; Communion table runner.

-Upright pianos given the church - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonkin, Miss Dorothy Nichols, Mrs. Leslie Smith and Mrs. Henry S. Lee.

-The Sanctuary Pulpit Bible given by Mr. Oliver H. Shifler and Mrs. Beatrice Shifler Nielsen in memory of their parents, Mr. Charles C. and Mrs. Mattie Reynolds Shifler. (In Rev. White's ministry.)

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